TerrorMoniter ASA posted this photo on Twitter, claiming it shows ISIS terrorists throwing a 15-year-old boy off a rooftop after they accused him of engaging in homosexual relations with a top ISIS officer (Photo: Twitter/TerrorMonitor)
Ever since the Oct. 7 Hamas terror against Israel, when soldiers from Gaza invaded Israel's territory and butchered some 1,200 people, often in horrific fashion like burning whole families together, there's been a growing movement for "Gays for Palestine."
Those groups have held protests, lobbied Congress and international leaders, staged events and more, all in their pro-Hamas, anti-Israel campaign.
And in support of Palestine. They chant "From the river to the sea," adopting the terrorists' demands that they eradicate Israel and control all of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
But the work of that group, and that of "Queers for Palestine" is on shaky footing.
It's because prominent Palestinian Islamics, both cultural and political figure heads, are joined in one opinion: Homosexuals "should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building."
According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, it is Jenin Islamic scholar Abd Al-Rahman Al-Zayoud who confirmed that in an Islamic society, "What is the local culture? The Islamic culture. If this call clashes with the local culture, the laws and covenants of the United Nations – which call for homosexuality – must be followed. So what do they want from us? What do they want from this society that follows the Islamic culture, which sees homosexuality and lesbianism as punishable by death? They want us to respect this and strip us of our religion."
Added Islamic scholar Youssef Makharzah on America's campaign of "perversion." "Your cows, your sheep, and even your donkeys, have never stopped to the level of perversion that America designs for you."
In fact, the Joe Biden administration has insisted on promoting the LGBT lifestyle choices, which offend Islamic traditions, around the globe, making such promotions mandatory where U.S. money is involved in projects.
And Makkharzah referenced monkeypox, charging, "This [variation] of smallpox afflicts monkeys, as well as their homosexual lookalikes. Since you behave like animals and beasts, Allah wanted to afflict you with the maladies of animals and beasts. After this disease appeared, they ran some tests and concluded that it is caused by homosexuality."
Samir Zaqout, an official for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said, "Most of the organizations of the homosexuals and most of the institutions that bring about economic destruction are to be found in that foundling of a country."
And Mohammed Saleem Ali, an imam at Al-Aqsa mosque, said, "Our Muslim Palestinian people will not accept a single homosexual openly declaring his abomination. Will you allow a single homosexual on the land of Jerusalem and Palestine? Will you allow that? No. Our people will not allow there to be institutions that promote this abomination, on the blessed, and pure land of Palestine."
Sheikh Yousef Abu Islam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar, threatened, "Allah punished male and female adulterers [only] with flogging or stoning, but when He decided to punish homosexuals, He said that they should be thrown head first from the rooftop of the tallest building, and then they should be stoned from the top."
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